Postnatal Physiotherapy
Every person has a unique experience through pregnancy, labor, and birth. After growing your baby from conception to giving birth, vaginally or via c-section, your body has gone through an incredible journey. So many lovely moms put up with problems like urinary incontinence, prolapse, bowel problems or back issues because they think it’s just part of having a baby or because they end up not prioritizing their own health.
We believe that every woman should have a pelvic health check after having a baby. In some countries, this is already part of standard care. At Kelowna Pelvic Health, we provide a comprehensive postnatal assessment to address all your postnatal needs and concerns.
Getting back into exercise after having your baby can be tempting. However, rushing back to your usual activities can lead to problems if you go too early or without the support your body needs. Our expert physiotherapist can help you return to exercise in a safe and progressive manner, setting you up for long-term health.
Kelowna Pelvic Health can help you with
Returning to exercise safely after having a baby
Urinary incontinence or urgency
Bowel issues such as incontinence, urgency, or constipation
Pain with intercourse
Pelvic organ prolapse. This can present as a bulging or dragging feeling in the pelvis
Back, hip, or pelvic pain
Diastasis recti or tummy muscle separation
Rehabilitation post perineal tear
Scar management, including c-section, perineal or vaginal scars.
Recovery from 3rd and 4th degree tears (OASIS)
Coccyx pain
What to expect at a postnatal assessment
During your first appointment, extra time is allocated for a thorough history. We need to know about your past and current health to help provide the best quality care.
We may ask you questions about:
Your pregnancy and birth
Any pain you are currently experiencing
Bladder and bowel function
Medical, gynaecological, and surgical history
Birthing history
Sexual function
Dietary habits
A thorough physical examination is then performed, which may include assessment of:
Breathing mechanics
Musculoskeletal assessment
Biomechanical assessment
If appropriate, an assessment may include an internal vaginal or rectal examination. These examinations allow us to make an accurate diagnosis, leading to effective treatment. If an internal examination is required, your pelvic health physiotherapist will talk you through the process and only proceed if you feel comfortable.