What should I expect at my first appointment?

At Kelowna Pelvic Health, Cindy takes pride in spending quality time with her clients, especially during the initial assessment. For your first visit to the clinic, you should expect to be there for up to 75 minutes.
Initial paper work and questionnaires are completed to help screen for signs of pelvic floor dysfunction. These can be done online at home (electronically) or using a paper copy when you arrive at the clinic.
Your appointment will begin with a discussion about your health history and presenting symptoms. The physical exam will include a global assessment of posture, mobility, and lumbo-pelvic stability. Based on information obtained from the history, Cindy may suggest an internal exam. The internal exam allows her to evaluate the structural integrity and function of the pelvic floor. If pelvic floor function is compromised, she will teach you how to properly control your pelvic floor muscles. The literature has clearly stated than many women are unable to perform an effective pelvic floor muscle contraction without instruction.
After the examination, Cindy will review her findings with you and discuss options for treatment. You will leave the session more knowledgeable about pelvic health, a clear understanding of the expected treatment plan, and with some exercises to work on.
In some cases, a pelvic exam may not be deemed appropriate, either by the therapist or the individual, but this does not preclude people from benefiting from pelvic health physiotherapy.
Treatment often includes elements of breath control and relaxation, motor control training, manual therapy, soft tissue release, posture correction, and exercises to optimize muscle function.